The images below have been specially designed to help us all spread the JUST A CARD campaign message.
You’re warmly invited to share them on social media, in your emails and on your websites. They’re free to use, but please respect the wonderful artists’ hard work by ALWAYS crediting them and @justacard when sharing any artwork. You are of course most welcome to write your own posts, but please also add a brief description about the campaign, so others will join us. Perhaps something like: ‘Please follow and support @justacard - a campaign close to my heart which encourages people to value and buy from artists, makers, independent shops and small businesses.’
Below is a simple guide we’ve made to help you get to grips with the etiquette of sharing any artwork: above all, remember - ALWAYS CREDIT, NEVER EDIT.
CLICK HERE to read our guide on how and why to always credit artists’ images
To use these images simply right click and download. They’re FREE - go wild! Check back regularly for new ones.